I’ve grown tired of the stigma regarding Christians in today’s world. I’d like to take a moment to set the record straight. Here are just a few traits that are often associated when describing the modern-day “Christian”; not willing to hold honest and empathetic conversations, not willing to listen/only want to hear themselves talk/preach, uptight, hypocritical, fake, selfish. Why is this? Here are a few thoughts (that you didn’t ask for but are getting anyway): As of 2021, 63% of Americans claim “Christianity” as their religion (down from 75% in 2015). Within that 63%, there are people who call themselves “Christians,” but have no idea of what that even means – I’d argue that a large percentage of that is due to intergenerational transmission. Others don’t walk it out as they should due to false teaching, lack of investment, or past experiences. So, what does/should a Christian look like? Ultimately the bible defines this for us – however, there are a few controversial topics that always spark debate when people look at me and see my tattoos and beer in hand. What scripture tells you that Christians can’t have tattoos or enjoy an alcoholic beverage? (NOTE: BEFORE YOU ANSWER THAT…be sure that when you go looking for those biblical references you don’t pull verses out of context. It’s easy to pull a single verse and interpret it however you see fit.) So why don’t Christians offer to go grab a drink with someone to talk about life and their relationship with Christ? Why don’t Christians get tattoos that spur conversations about Christ or salvation? It’s simple. We as Christians are so concerned about the cultural perception of what a Christian is “supposed” to look like. Also, don’t get my words or intent twisted – Christians aren’t REQUIRED to engage in these things – I’m only speaking against the stigmas that question if a Christian “should”. I’ll add my caveat here; the love of ANYTHING that takes place of or distracts you from your desire for a relationship with Christ is a sin. Whether that’s money, alcohol, food, possessions, whatever. Those religious stigmas and rules are starting to bleed into culture’s perception of Christianity & in my opinion, it’s dangerous. Why is it dangerous? Because Jesus came to fulfill the religious requirements of the Old Testament and those religious expectations are slowly creeping back into the expectations of modern Christians. So many Christians are convicted daily by what their parents & parents, parents taught them. I love my parents and am extremely thankful for what they taught and instilled in me, however, my relationship with Christ must be just that - MY relationship. I’m not saved by the relationship my mom or dad has with Christ, I’m saved by the relationship I, myself, have with Christ. This is what I mean when I say, “Not-Your-Father’s Christianity”. If you haven’t, I’d encourage every single one of you reading this to dig into scripture and have your own individual relationship with Christ. When the time comes and you die, you will have to account for the choices you've made...be sure you lived life to the fullest and loved humanity with the love of Christ. It’s important that you don’t conform to the world, but that you also don’t recluse to the Christian clique that shies away from the world they’re supposed to reach.
Consider this your official invitation: If you’re reading this and you’d like to hop on your motorcycle, find a place to eat, have a beer, and talk about life and Jesus – you know whom you can call.
Brandon Hart
Founder, SFMM